Find A Camp
When applying for the Sunshine Fund, you must attend an MCA-accredited camp.
We love camp and know you'll love our accredited camps.
Selecting the right camp is a big decision, and if you're applying for the Sunshine Fund, selecting one of our camps is step one. We have camps all across Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. Below is our full list, categorized by location.
Not all camps offer transportation services so it is important to confirm this with the camp. If they do not offer transportation, you will need to be able to physically transport your child to camp.
Most camps offer programming for children aged 6 to 17 years. It is important to ensure that the session they are registered for is age-appropriate for your child.
Knowing what your child likes or hopes to do at camp is an important factor when selecting a camp. Some camps offer more adventure-based programming and physical activity than others. The variety of activities available varies from camp to camp, so it is important to know what your child is interested in and what experience he or she wants to get out of camp.
Camp Assiniboia - Cartier, MB.
Camp Manitou - Headingley, MB.
Mini U Fun & Fitness - Winnipeg, MB.
Stand up paddling and water sports camp
Outdoor adventure
Outdoor explorers
Track and Field
Fun and Fitness plus
Anglican Memorial Camp, Clear Lake, MB.
Camp Wannakumbac - Clear Lake, MB.
Dauphin Bible Camp - Dauphin, MB.
Wellman Lake United Church Camp - Minitonas, MB.
Camp Koinonia - Boissevain, MB.
Circle Square Ranch - Austin, MB.
Turtle Mountain Bible Camp - Boissevain, MB.
Valley View Bible Camp - MacGregor, MB.
Winkler Bible Camp - Winkler, MB.
Camp Massad - Winnipeg Beach, MB.
Calvary Temple Bible Camp - Red Rock Lake, MB.
Camp Cedarwood - Lac du Bonnet, MB.
Camp Nutimik - Whiteshell Provincial Park, MB.
Camp Quality at Variety's Camp Brereton, Lake Brereton, MB.
Red Rock Bible Camp - Red Rock Lake, MB.
Variety's Camp Brereton (Site only) Lake Brereton, MB.
Simonhouse Bible Camp - Flin Flon, MB.
Roseau River Bible Camp
St. Malo Catholic Camps/Camps Catholiques de Saint-Malo - St. Malo, MB.
BB Camp - Lake of the Woods, ON.
Beaver Lake Camp - Dryden, ON.
Canadian Diabetes Camp - Camp Briardale

What is Accreditation?
The Manitoba Camping Association develops and maintains standards for organized camping in Manitoba. It is through the Standards and Accreditation program that we help the general public identify safe, healthy, well-run camps.
While the MCA cannot guarantee that each camp meets or exceeds all standards at all times, accredited camps must sign a Statement of Compliance each year indicating that they will comply with the standards set out by the MCA.
The MCA Standards Manual covers all aspects of camp operations, ranging from sound financial practices to ensuring safety in various program activities and recommending environmental standards. The manual has been continually revised and updated to meet today's dynamic camping environment.