Membership of the Manitoba Camping Association (MCA) is open to all organizations and individuals who support and wish to align themselves with organized children's and family camps, and who embody the vision, mission, and values of the MCA.
For information on member benefits and to review our Code of Ethics, please download our Membership Package below:
The 2024 Membership Renewal Package
Find the renewal package here.
The New Membership Package is comprised of these three items:
Membership Package for New Member Camps
New Membership Application forms
Statement of Understanding
Find the new member package here.
The MCA Aims to Serve And Represent The Camping Industry By:
Promoting participation in camp to the general public
Making camp accessible to all
Understanding the needs of camp providers
Delivering programs and services that meet the needs of camp providers and all user groups
Implementation of best practices
Collecting statistics relevant to the industry
If you require assistance or more information,
please contact Kim at (204) 979-1749 or
Membership Package for Vendors and Commercial Members
Find the Vendor and Commercial Members package here.