for camp
Most camps will provide you with a list of things you’ll need to bring, and some suggested items. But if it’s the first time away at camp, especially a sleepover camp, a little mental preparation needs to go into getting ready.
Give your child a sense of independence. Let them try packing their camp supplies themselves and do chores around the house. Have sleepovers at a friend's or relative’s house. Even though these are familiar places, they are still not at home and can be useful practice for your child being away at camp.
Assure children that camp is a safe and fun place to be. Give them realistic expectations about what kind of fun they will have, and let them know that at the end of the week, you will be excited to hear all about it.
It doesn’t happen to everybody, but when it does it can be a difficult experience for both the parent and the child. Even if you’ve practiced independence before sending your child to camp, he or she may feel the need to be at home with their parents.
Send a note and/or a care package - this will act as a reminder that you’re thinking of them and that you will be there when they get home to hear about their adventure.
Let a camp director know if your child might be apprehensive so they can make sure to include them in activities and help gently guide them through fun activities until they’re able to do it on their own.
Encourage your child to stay at camp the whole week.. If home-sick phone calls occur, it can help to remind your child there are only a few more short fun-filled days before heading. home.